
Black Cardamom has amazing benefits, relieves acidity with strong digestion

Black cardamom is considered very beneficial medicinally. Let us know some important benefits of black cardamom:-

Food Spice Cardamom Hill Cardamom Black Cardamom

There are many such things in the kitchen of us Indians, which not only enhance the taste of food, but it is no less than a treasure for our health. Green cardamom sells more than black cardamom and is more popular, but black cardamom is used as a spice and medicine. It gives a very different taste and aroma to the food. Both the pods and seeds of green cardamom are used to enhance the flavour. Whereas only seeds of black cardamom are used and the pods are discarded. Green cardamom has a strong aroma and black cardamom has a smoky aroma.

The store carries both black and green cardamom (elaichi). The green is the flavor most non-Indian-cooking folks are more familiar with, and is used in both savory and sweet (like Chai) preparations. You generally use the seeds inside the outer pod, but they lose their flavor quickly so best to keep stored in pod until ready for use. When using, toast the entire pod in a dry pan, then you can crack the pod to release the seeds for grinding. Karuna noted she’s not a fan of the black cardamom. It’s generally used in savory preparations only and has a hot, astringent, peppery quality. In addition to its culinary flavoring purposes, cardamom is thought to be helpful with digestion.

That’s why black cardamom is used as a spice in most of the homes. Its strong aroma works to make the food fragrant and tasty. It is mostly used in making food like vegetable or casserole. From the point of view of health, black cardamom is very beneficial for health.

Let us tell you that black cardamom is also used as medicine. According to experts, adding black cardamom to the diet daily keeps the body healthy as well as beautiful skin.

  1. Black cardamom boosts your digestion.
  2. It is also used for constipation, stomach irritation and acidity.
  3. Black cardamom can also be beneficial in increasing immunity.
  4. Black cardamom is also used for home remedies.
  5. Black cardamom is a panacea for removing gum pain and mouth odor.

What is Black Cardamom ?

There is also a species of Black Cardamom, Morang cardamom. According to Ayurveda, the effect of Black Cardamom means that its semen is hot. Apart from the main species of Black Cardamom, another species is found which is used for medicine.

Who can be unfamiliar with the fruit, aroma and black colored seeds of Black Cardamom. In Indian kitchens, it has settled in such a way that it is used in everything from spices to sweets. Its seeds are used as spices. Generally people only know that large cardamom is used in spices and consumption of black cardamom makes the dish tasty, but the truth is that black cardamom is also used medicinally. It is also known as big cardamom.
It is also used as a flavoring in dishes like Pulavu, Biryani and meat preparations.
It is an ingredient in curry powder and masala spice mixes and is also used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines.

According to Ayurveda, Black Cardamom works to pacify pitta, induce sleep, create interest in food. It makes the heart and liver healthy. Big cardamom increases appetite, helps in digestion of food, removes bad breath from the mouth. It eliminates stomach gas, stops vomiting, heals wounds. By using this urine comes openly, fever goes down.

Consuming Black Cardamom Beneficial in Toothache

Take equal quantity of black cardamom and clove oil. Rubbing it on the teeth ends toothache. Boil 4-5 black cardamom fruits in 400 ml water. Toothache is cured by gargling with this decoction. Grinding the peels of 2-3 Black Cardamom and eating it is beneficial in dental diseases and swelling of the mouth. Gargling and gargling the decoction of the seeds cures tooth and gum problems.

Black Cardamom is also beneficial in the diseases of the mouth.
If there is excessive sputum in the mouth or if there is drooling, then grind black cardamom and betel nut in equal proportion and mix it. By taking 1-2 grams of it and sucking it, the sputum becomes less and the flow of saliva will stop.

Black cardamom is also used to treat constipation and dysentery. It is also beneficial in the treatment of asthma.

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