
Benefits of Orthodox Tea – How it is made?

Orthodox tea refers to the tea which is formed or processed using traditional method. Orthodox teas are generally bright and brisk and have a multilayered flavor profile.

Orthodox Tea is produced using the normal methods of Tea production which includes plucking, withering, rolling, oxidation and drying.

Orthodox teas are carefully rolled or shaped into various sizes and designs depending on the type of tea being produced. Orthodox processing is employed to produce various styles of loose leaf tea, including white, green, oolong and black

Let us look in detail about the processing of Orthodox tea

How Orthodox tea is formed

Plucking Tea leaves are handpicked by tea puckers’ and typically they store it in bamboo baskets which are tied to their back with a piece of cloth.

Withering Freshly plucked tea leaves are spread and laid out indoors or outdoors under the sun to get rid of the moisture content. Withering softens the tea leaves, making them flexible and supple in order that they won’t crumble during the rest of the processing steps.

Rolling After the withering process the tea leaves are then rolled to the specified shape either by using machines or by hand-pressing.

Oxidizing may be a process that helps the tea leaves attain their ultimate flavor, color, appearance and aroma. The extent of oxidization determines or distinguishes different types of tea.

Drying the oxidized teas is further dried in optimum temperature before they’re sent for final packaging and transportation.

Now as you recognize how Orthodox tea is made, allow us to explore the benefits of Orthodox tea
Benefits of Orthodox Tea

It’s high in Antioxidants as compared to CTC which loses its antioxidant quality comparatively due to machine processing.
Antioxidants help to neutralize damaged cells which help us to see and feel better.
Helps prevent disorder
Loose leaf Tea has been shown to possess a calming effect on the body and especially helps boost mental clarity.
Loose leaf teas retain the Authentic Taste and are comparatively richer in flavor and color.
Loose leaf teas are organically processed thus giving it a plus over the other in terms of quality.
Typical tea bags are produced on an industrial scale and should sit in a warehouse or on a shelf for a long time before you ever get them. These low-grade leaves are usually picked, processed, and packaged by machines overseas. In contrast, our premium teas are carefully hand-selected and made by tea masters.

Difference between Orthodox tea and CTC Tea
Orthodox tea refers to a traditional method of tea production. You can make it with your hands or a machine. Orthodox style tea-making process resembles the natural way. This includes plucking leaves, withering, and rolling, along with oxidation and drying. These steps are important for turning leaves into an intense dark color.
The orthodox black tea-making method mostly refers to providing loose tea leaves. In addition, it is a flexible method that can impact wonderful tastes. Hence, orthodox tea production focuses on preserving every single virtue of tea leaves. However, it is time-consuming and needs a large number of human resources.

Some factors include shape, taste, and style differences between the two. However, these teas are made from the Camellia Sinensis plant but the flavour profile differs due to the production style.

The shape is an important factor that one can identify both the teas because of their not-so-similar shape. It is crushed and turned into crumbled and tiny balls-like shapes. Also, the process is faster and tends to provide a similar taste every time. CTC is in demand in both ways as loose or in tea bags. It becomes convenient for consumers to use tea bags in comparison to loose tea. So, you can buy CTC tea online or from a local vendor as loose tea or tea bags.
Whereas, the authenticity of orthodox tea lies in preserving its shape. The leaves are dried and kept withered to maintain the wholeness of the leaf. These leaves hold their original long structure. So, by looking at both the teas, you can differentiate between the two because of their shape and size.

By contrast, CTC takes less time to steep and gives a bold and inclusive taste. CTC teas are good for the cravings for masala chai by using tea bags. You add milk, sugar, and some other addition to make it of your choice. CTC is fast infusing this is why it is an ideal choice for the tea bags industry.
While talking about the flavor of orthodox tea, we find that it has a bright and brisk taste that gives you the best experience. Orthodox tea is consumed independently for infusing the burst of freshness. Sometimes, you can add lemon to enhance its flavor. Orthodox tea is known for its certain flavors.

CTC (crush, tear and curl) refers to an advanced method of tea processing. When the tea leaves are allowed to be put into a cylindrical-shaped roller that brings this process to an end. Without steeping it for a long time, you get a diverse range of tastes in one cup.
And orthodox tea making holds a traditional style that is plucking, withering, and rolling along with oxidation and drying. However, the process requires human intervention and can be time-consuming. On the other hand, It is handled with great care and attention, and trained tea professionals choose the best quality tea leaves.

Benefits of Orthodox Tea
It is high in Antioxidants as compared to CTC which looses its antioxidant quality comparatively due to machine processing.
Antioxidants helps to neutralize damaged cells which help us to look and feel better.
Helps prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Loose leaf Tea has been shown to have a calming effect on the body and especially helps boost mental clarity.
Loose leaf teas retain the Authentic Taste and are comparatively more rich in flavour and colour.
Loose leaf teas are organically processed thus giving it an advantage over the other in terms of quality.
Typical tea bags are produced on an industrial scale and may sit in a warehouse or on a shelf for a long time before you ever get them. These low-grade leaves are usually picked, processed, and packaged by machines overseas.In contrast, our premium teas are carefully hand-selected and crafted by tea masters.


Orthodox tea health benefits for tea lovers tea Matters orthodox tea is crafted lovingly from leaves plucked fresh in our gardens every morning. Then it is processed in the traditional way to result in the form which ultimately reaches you.

So why is orthodox tea so good for you? Because, orthodox tea is packed with antioxidants, polyphony, catechist and flavoring among others. Let’s take a closer look at the ways in which this tea boosts your health:

orthodox tea is the cuppa that will get you up and running in the morning. It’s strong and shakes you out of your lethargy. Black tea made from orthodox tea leaves contains Healthiness, an amino acid which improves focus and alertness, by increasing the alpha activity in your brain.
As most of us are working from home spending hours in front of our screens, black tea would really help in concentration. What’s more, some studies have discovered that not only does black tea make you alert, it also relaxes you, and provides stable energy levels, unlike high caffeine drinks.
So if you want to increase your work productivity without a heavy dose of caffeine, then orthodox tea is just right for you.

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